APJA Judging Training

 2020 Level 3

Image Evaluation and Judging Webinar

On-Line over 3 nights

Friday 6, 13, 20 November  7.30 pm to 9.30 pm


Judging Photojournalism.

Judging Creative Images.

Judging Portrait Images.

Judging Digital Images.

Judging Still Life.

Judging Landscape Images.

Practical judging.        


Payment & Contact

Payment must be made via bank transfer prior to 4th November.

BSB: 063050

ACCOUNT No.:10098192

Account Name: Australian Photographic Judges Association

Once payment is made register with Gary Smith via email : wordpicts@gmail.com along with your payment confirmation.

APJA Members                 All others

Workshops:  Free                       $20 (A & B)

Level 1                   $25                         $65

Level 2                   $25                         $65

Level 3 and 4          $35                         $80

Level 5 and 6          $45                         $100


Membership of APJA :-  $40 July to June

Application attached or contact:   Secretary Paul Lucas      apjasecretary@gmail.com


Planning in 2021 Level 2, Level 4, and Level 6


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