
Showing posts from March, 2021

The Bellmont's caravan holiday goes swimmingly well!!!

Peter and Jen enjoying their cruise  / caravan holiday during the torrential rains in Castlemaine and Bendigo!! Peter says it's just like punting on the Thames in Oxford. The leg chain was a gift from Jen to 'incentivise' Peter to keep the ship afloat and paddle hard! Well done to them both. Kids having fun!  

The Recruitment Press Gang is Ready!!

Kicking off our 2021 recruitment drive got a boost when so many club members volunteered to join the street gang! Hardly any Photoshopping was necessary as they just seemed to slip naturally into their respective avatars. But that smile on Anne's is a bit of a worry: sweet innocence or evil genius?  

General Notices

IMPROVING THE MEETINGS David Jenkin and I discussed trying to streamline the judging a bit more by just having one slide per entry. with image title and award, plus the name of the maker if the award was a Highly Commended or Honour. I don't really want to hurry the judge up as it is their comments/feedback that we are all there to listen to. If anyone has a better idea, let us know. We'll also try to make the Zoom experience slicker, with better integration of the presentation and speaker voice. CARSHOW The details of the 28th March Carshow & Model that Rocky was speaking about on Monday are in an earlier posting. I will be going to this and hope to see many of you there. We can't let Rocky get all the good photos and win all the Honours!!  😊 Well done Rocky on Monday night - 3 Honours and 1 Highly Commended! WEBSITE UPDATE & NEWS The IPS website has been updated with galleries for Competitions #1 and #2. The News blog has also been updated. I'm interested to

Peter Bellmont presents award!

Peter Bellmont runs a Print Folio Group, called Advanced A4, for the Australian Photographic Society Print Division. He presented a Certificate of Merit to Dale Murphy on Monday night for winning the latest print folio round. Members of the folio group send prints around the group two or three times a year. These are scored by each participant and tallied by Peter. Constructive feedback is provided, so it is very helpful to participate. Contact Peter if interested in joining.

Thanks to Ken Bretherton!

Ken judged the Scapes & Open competition on Monday 15th March and did an amazing job commenting on every one of the 99 images, then showed us a selection of his own beautiful images.  Rocky starred with 3 Honours and a Highly Commended. Well done Rocky. See all the results in our galleries.  

Rocky's Horror Show!! Come photograph his models draped and drooped over beautiful cars!!


Rocky features in the PSA Journal

Rocky's MySpace was featured on page 40 of the PSA Journal from the Photographic Society of America!! Well done Rocky! Time to give that cat a reward.