General Notices

David Jenkin and I discussed trying to streamline the judging a bit more by just having one slide per entry. with image title and award, plus the name of the maker if the award was a Highly Commended or Honour. I don't really want to hurry the judge up as it is their comments/feedback that we are all there to listen to. If anyone has a better idea, let us know.

We'll also try to make the Zoom experience slicker, with better integration of the presentation and speaker voice.

The details of the 28th March Carshow & Model that Rocky was speaking about on Monday are in an earlier posting. I will be going to this and hope to see many of you there. We can't let Rocky get all the good photos and win all the Honours!! ðŸ˜Š Well done Rocky on Monday night - 3 Honours and 1 Highly Commended!Animated GIF

The IPS website has been updated with galleries for Competitions #1 and #2. The News blog has also been updated. I'm interested to know if you would like to have the News Brief reinstated. It seems to me that online News blogs only work well if they are updated almost daily, which is not going to happen.

The hop-on-hop-off outing to capitalise on free public transport is likely to run next Monday (22nd) or Tuesday (23rd) (not just trains). We have 6 takers so far and would meet at Heidelberg Station in the morning probably around 9.30am. Let me know if you'd like to join. I am trying to finalise an itinerary but want it to be flexible. If there are stations/places you'd recommend, please let me know. Masks are required on public transport.

I sent a request to Metro Trains 11 days ago for permission to photograph and rung them today but was told it can take weeks for approval. Other than at Southern Coss and the Loop, there are no enforceable restrictions regarding photography on trains and at stations, but I suggest we speak to station staff where feasible and use discretion.

FYI, Rocky drives a bus all day and was surprisingly lukewarm about an outing involving all-day public transport, muttering something like "Uffa! Non voglio andare in busman's holiday..."


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